YouAudit Pty Ltd Apps

YouAudit 4.4
Asset Management Resources Equipment Register Depreciation SafetyMaintenance
YouCheck 1.6
YouCheck - Safety, Inspections, OHS & Maintenance Never been aneasier way to manage your compliance, OHS and servicingrequirements within your business. Use it to perform anything fromSafety Checks Pre Inspections SWMS Risk Assessment Servicing &Maintenance JSA (Job Safety Analysis) Building Inspections and manymore checklists No more paperwork now perform all your safety, OHS,risk assessment, inspections, servicing and maintenance on anysmartphone or tablet device. Quick and easy to use formbuilderallows you to create a check in seconds and then link them to anyasset, equipment, location or building, as well as allocate it tomanagers or employees. Set your own scheduling program to ensureall checks are performed at the right time and your equipment issafe to sue and well maintained. Ensures you will never missanother safety check. No longer need to write a report again,complete it using your smartphone and if you need a paper copy justemail yourself a PDF version which includes photos and signaturesAlso comes with an asset & equipment register, documentstorage, building management and incident management system, so youcan now directly link checks to any asset or building within yourorganisation. Just scan the barcode and complete the check, it isthat easy. Key Features Scheduling System to ensure checks arenever missed Captures Photos and Signatures Create Actions andallocate them to individuals Incident & Fault Management SystemPush Notifications & Reminders when checks are due History ofall checks available through your smartphone device Email a PDFcopy of the report to you or your colleagues when you submit thecheck Full History available through our web interface and theability to export via csv or PDF branded formats View PDF stored inthe system like manuals, Safety Instructions, certifications,warranties etc